Are You Measuring Efforts, Actions, Or Results

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Everyone I know in the MH business is busy. Most are busier than they’ve ever been. That’s usually a good thing, if the efforts are producing the right results.

The effort is the amount of energy we expend. Actions are the things we spend that energy on. Results are what we get from those actions and energies. Simple, right? But too often, “busy” does not mean “more productive.”

Statistically, 64.8% of a salesperson’s time is spent on activities that do not generate revenue. That equates to 26 hours out of a 40-hour week that we are involved in non-profitable activities.

That’s not to say that these aren’t necessary activities. Following up with non-responsive leads, for example, is part of the sales process. So, calling, sending emails and texts, and keeping track of who is where in the process, are all necessary to a successful outcome. Top sales organizations understand that but also realize that those activities can be delegated to less skilled teammates to free up their sales team to spend more time closing sales.

You can do the very same thing by delegating those tasks to your contact management system (CRM).

Consider time spent looking for files, finding notes regarding previous conversations, and getting urgent information to the right people within the organization. Necessary, but not income generating. These too can be automated with a CRM.

With an automated CRM, these actions still take place, but with nearly zero effort, allowing salespeople to spend their time and efforts in more critical and revenue-generating activities. Here are some examples of how a CRM can save you time, effort, and money:

SCENARIO 1: Follow up with non-responsive prospects
Set automations that send emails and text messages to remind prospects of how a new home can improve their lives, inviting them to re-engage.

SCENARIO 2: Follow up with prospects after they’ve visited your sales center
You likely send an email or text message to your prospect after a sales visit. Save time by creating templates that you can quickly personalize and send, saving you from having to ‘recreate the wheel’ for each prospect.

SCENARIO 3: Internal notifications when a sale has been made
Once you’ve taken a deposit on a new home, there is additional work to be done — a file to be created, processes that kick into gear, people to inform, checklists to complete. An automated CRM can do ALL of these things instantly and automatically at the click of your mouse, ensuring that everyone that needs to be alerted gets the information they need.

SCENARIO 4: Ensuring that all the right things get done
Setting and viewing tasks is a vital discipline, one that every successful salesperson eventually masters. A CRM delivers master-level results instantly by letting you keep track of all your tasks in one place, even creating tasks for you when specific triggers are met, such as when a prospect reaches a specific point in a nurture campaign, or when, as mentioned above, a stage is reached in the sales process.

Each of these aspects can save a few minutes per day, per customer. This can amount to hours per week, per sales rep; time that can be better spent on revenue-producing activities. More importantly, your CRM can ensure that these activities are completed consistently and in a timely manner.

Finally, a CRM allows you to keep track of all information about your prospects and customers. From details and notes to email conversations and task histories, all are in one place, saving time and energy.

Delegate the grunt work to your CRM so you can spend your time on the more important tasks of selling homes.

Learn more about our automated CRM solutions

Picture of Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud is CRM Program Director for MhCRM, the only automated CRM for the MH industry. Scott is the co-author of Managing Your Business With 7 Key Numbers, available at, and The Complete Guide to Marketing and Selling New Homes. Scott is a regular speaker at MH national and state events and a key contributor to He can be reached at or at (606) 416-2078.
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