What Do The Numbers Tell You?

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52.6% of MH salespeople trust statistics. 

Actually, I just made that up. I can’t find any data on that. But I do know that statistics — if you trust them — can show you trends. And those trends can help you make decisions. 

With regard to a contact management program such as MhCRM, statistics can help you determine what a CRM can do for you, whether you actually need one, and whether you will truly use one. 

Here are 11 statistics about CRMs that we trust and find helpful:

  1. Using CRM software can increase sales conversion rates by up to 300%. (Source: Cloudswave)
  1. CRM applications can help increase sales by up to 29%, sales productivity by up to 34%, and sales forecast accuracy by 42%. (source: Salesforce)
  1. Data accessibility for salespeople shortens their sales cycles by 8-14%.
  1. For companies that use a CRM, the average return on their technology investment is $8.71 for each dollar spent. (Source: Nucleus Research)
  1. CRM users reported that the most important reason for acquiring CRM technology is the ability to improve the customer experience. That ranked higher than content marketing, mobile access, personalization, and social CRM capabilities. (Source: SuperOffice)
  1. A recent poll of CRM users found that 47% say that leveraging a CRM has substantially impacted customer retention. An equal percentage say that using a CRM has helped them increase customer satisfaction. (Source: Capterra)
  1. Because CRM software greatly improves data accessibility, sales reps at companies using a CRM are able to shorten their sales cycles by 8 to 14%. (Source: Nucleus Research)
  1.  75% of businesses do not have a defined and functioning process for lead nurturing. (Source: Cloudswave)
  1. Survey data indicates that 64.2% of companies using a CRM rate the technology as “impactful” or “very impactful” to their ability to produce great results and grow their businesses. (Source: LinkedIn)
  1. CRM applications can increase revenue by up to 41% per sales representative. https://media.trackvia.com/ 
  1. Nearly two-thirds (64.8%) of sales reps’ time is spent on activities that do not generate revenue.

So, what do all these numbers mean for you?  They tell us that: A contact management program can help you increase productivity and revenue across the board, businesses need the competitive advantage that a CRM offers, and you are more likely to make more money, be more productive, and have happier customers if you use a CRM.

Of course, you may not be interested in any of those things. 37.987% of salespeople are happy just the way things are (Again, I just made that up; if that number is true it is a colossal coincidence).
But if you aren’t using a CRM and want to check one out, we created MhCRM specifically for the manufactured and modular housing sales industry. We designed it to be easy to use and extremely effective to deliver the results you need.  Contact us for a tour of MhCRM today.

Picture of Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud is CRM Program Director for MhCRM, the only automated CRM for the MH industry. Scott is the co-author of Managing Your Business With 7 Key Numbers, available at BuilderBooks.com, and The Complete Guide to Marketing and Selling New Homes. Scott is a regular speaker at MH national and state events and a key contributor to LearnMH.com. He can be reached at scott@mhcrm.com or at (606) 416-2078.
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